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Search Engine Optimization...

Are your websites Search Engine Friendly? 
Yes. All our websites are built optimized. Our sites have clean XHTML, proper tagging, and proper META information — all of which is essential to helping web crawlers find and index your site properly.
How are website rankings determined? 
Your rankings are determined almost solely on the number of inbound links your have to your content, and the relative credibility of the sites linking to you. Write good content, receive those links, and you'll have good rankings.
Unless you're paying for advertisement placement, or have a well established website, relying on search engines is generally a terrible way of generating website traffic for a new (under 1 year old) website.
Are your websites written with clean code? 
Yes. SecureSitebuilder sites are produced using completely clean and valid XHTML. This sort of structure helps crawlers easily scan the content on your site. Additionally, since your site has a solid underlying structure and is linked together coherently -- crawlers will have a simple time moving about all of the pages of your site.
Clean URLs -- All major pages on your website are presented at distinct URLs that are free from special characters. This formatting indicates to engines where the primary content on your site is at -- and allows the URLs to be presented within search engines very clearly.
Clean Titles -- All major pages on your website have titles formatted properly, and we include relevant text from your content within your page titles. This structure is optimal for search engine indexing.
Are there any issues with your sites and search engines? 
Absolutely not! The following points are things SecureSitebuilder does that ensure your site can be optimally crawled and indexed by major search engines:
  • Valid/Clean XHTML -- SecureSitebuilder sites are produced using completely clean and valid XHTML. This sort of structure helps crawlers easily scan the content on your site. Additionally, since your site has a solid underlying structure and is linked together coherently -- crawlers will have a simple time moving about all of the pages of your site.
  • Embedded RSS -- If you're using a Journal, the RSS feeds for your journal will be embedded in the code of your pages. Modern crawlers take these cues and remember to crawl your site more frequently, as sites with RSS are updated more frequently than static sites.
  • Domain Mapping -- If you're using a custom domain with SecureSitebuilder, our Domain Mapping feature ensures that our domain is completely removed from all code on your site. Crawlers will understand your site to be indexed properly at your domain's location.
  • Clean URLs -- All major pages on your SecureSitebuilder site are presented at distinct URLs that are free from special characters. This formatting indicates to engines where the primary content on your site is at -- and allows the URLs to be presented within search engines very clearly.
  • Clean Titles -- All major pages on your SecureSitebuilder site have titles formatted properly, and SecureSitebuilder includes relevant text from your content within your page titles. This structure is optimal for search engine indexing.
At the end of the day -- all of these items can contribute to the success of your site within search engines, and it's important that they're addressed. However, a site lacking all of the above items, that instead has quality inbound links, will always rank higher in modern engines.
How can I optimize my site for search engines? 
It's already optimized. Secure Sitebuilder generated sites have clean XHTML, proper tagging, and proper META information — all of which is essential to helping web crawlers find and index your site properly.
What are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services? 
Generally, very sketchy services. Check Google's SEO Information page for more information. We don't recommend you use SEO services.
Search engines explicitly work to drop exploitative sites (such as link farms used by some SEO individuals) from their indicies, so be wary of firms that claim to be able to increase your rank. Google's job is to halt this behavior, and remove sites that are attempting to manipulate their search rankings through such techniques.
If you want good rankings within search engines, just write good content — search engines will work to find you instead of the other way around.
Also, your SecureSitebuilder page is automatically optimized for any search engine robots that may find it. We use the proper tags in the proper places and ensure important URLs appear static.
Will my site be submitted to the search engines? 
Yes. Secure Sitebuilder includes search engine submission with all package plans.

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